Arsenic Water Treatment
Very few water quality issues concern people as much as arsenic, but even if your water has arsenic it can be made safe for drinking. There are several different options available for arsenic water treatment, depending on how much arsenic is in your water and how much you want to remove.
Some people have their plumber install point-of-use reverse osmosis water filtration at the sinks they plan on drinking from. This is an economical way of getting safe drinking water, but only removes arsenic from a small quantity of water at a time.
The other option is arsenic trap filters. These filters, ranging in size from mount-on-the-wall cartridge filters to freestanding media filters, trap the arsenic and store it for later disposal. The length of time between services and disposal will range greatly based on arsenic levels and water consumption. These filters will filter all the water in your house so every sink, shower, and appliance will have clean water. Please call Rogue Valley Pump for price quotes and any questions you may have about arsenic filtration.